
Culture Cameroun > Artistes plasticiens > ELANGWE SESSE

Cameroun, artiste plasticien, ELANGWE SESSE
Cameroun, artiste plasticien, ELANGWE SESSE
Cameroun, artiste plasticien, ELANGWE SESSE
Cameroun, artiste plasticien, ELANGWE SESSE



Vit et travaille à Buea
Tel: (+237) 678-063-671

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Elangwe Sesse Ngeseli Wa moleye was born on the 25 of Febuary 1994 Ngaounde, north of Cameroon. With Cameroonian parents, Mr Elangwe peter pel and wife Madame Elangwe Bridget. He hails from the southwest region of Cameroon, he is the fourth child of a family of seven children. After haven spent 7 years primary school and 7years as well at secondary school, he went on to the university where he had a bachelors degree in political science and public administration at the University of Buea 2016. He had much loved drawing from primary school, this talent finally started having its form when he entered secondary school and joined a six years program sponsored by a national brewery company, called (Brasseries du Cameroon), this was 2006, this program was an arts teaching program held on Saturdays, for a maximum of four months every year, where drawing techniques where thought by professionals in the field, He finished the six years there and was employed to start teaching there ,thought for a year and decided to start an arts career, had his first exhibition of two, in 2013 in Buea Southwest Region of Cameroon, entitled "WHAT ABOUT US", since then ,he has Been involved in many joined exhibitions in and out of his area of residence(Buea) some of which include: Seme Beach hotel LImbe 2013, AKWA PALACE Hotel Douala 2015 till date, FENAC (NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CULTURE CAMEROON 2016), SIARC (SALON INTERNATIONAL DE L'ARTISANA OU CAMEROON 2015), Mountain Hotel Buea 2013 till date, FESCHARHY (FESTIVAL OF CARICATURE CAMEROON 2008,2009,2010,2016), won an international prize at the patrimonito storyboard competition sponsored by UNESCO, 2012, ALSO WON ARTS CHRONICLES 2011, 2013, 2014, also has had the opportunity of exhibiting art DOUAL'ART CAMEROON for the FESTIVAL SUD contest 2017, he also had the privilege to be selected as one of the 30 artist to take part in a one month workshop, known as THE MOVENMENT AFRICA, aimed at using arts to change the minds of Africans towards positive and critical thinking, like an African renaissance, impacting the youths in the need for a change of mentality, this was 2017. I Also participated in the last picture show, organized by Catherine Pittet 2018. He has an arts studio now in Buea, Cameroon and he is a full time studio artist now working on future exhibitions.

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